

Welcome and thank you for your interest in c-nvolved!

In January, 2011, a committee comprised of administration, faculty, 教职员及学生开始制订质素提升计划. The plan, 现在被称为“c- involved”是一个全校范围的项目,旨在将本科生的服务经验融入学术环境. 从这个站点,您可以了解更多有关c- involved和服务学习及其好处的信息. You can also find answers to frequently asked questions about service-learning.

服务学习是我们QEP的自然选择,因为卡森-纽曼的使命是:通过将学术卓越和基督教承诺与关怀社区相结合,帮助我们的学生充分发挥其作为受过教育的公民和全球仆人领袖的潜力. Additionally, c-nvolved, 将实现我们2009年战略计划中提出的一个目标,即“创建一个提供服务机会的服务学习计划”(“过去的未来,” C-N Strategic Plan 2009).

There are two goals for c-nvolved, 第一个是对校园的影响,第二个是对学生学习的影响.

  • By the end of the five year plan, 我们的目标是,从全球赌博十大网站毕业并获得本科学位的学生中,有70%的人将在他们的学科范围内获得发展服务学习经验.
  • Among the students participating in the standardized service-learning program, 我们的目标是,这些学生中80%的人将在确定的学生学习成果方面表现出改善.

We will assess two student learning outcomes in each service-learning course:

  • 学生将从一个学科的知识连接到他们的服务学习经验.
  • 学生将确定他们为服务学习带来的假设和态度.

教授将使用通用的评估工具,并使用评估数据来调整服务学习活动. 相关委员会将使用评估数据来确定实现目标的进展情况.

Carson-Newman将在四年的课程中逐步实施c- involved,并在第一年引入LA101课程部分, 二年级和三年级有200 /300级课程,四年级有400级课程. By the fifth year of the plan, there will be a regular pattern of faculty development, student participation, assessment, and necessary adjustments as a result of ongoing assessment.

卡森-纽曼在服务当地社区和世界方面有着悠久的历史. QEP试图将这种服务与学生在课堂上学到的东西联系起来,并通过一套标准化的措施来评估学生的学习情况. 卡森-纽曼的QEP计划旨在促进学生的学习和文化发展.

What are the benefits of Service-Learning?

Students who participate in service-learning courses will:

  • Apply academic, personal and social skills to community needs.
  • 培养他们对自己、他人和公民责任的理解.
  • Develop leadership abilities based on real-life problem-solving.
  • 通过教师设计的反思活动培养批判性思维能力.

服务学习是一种将学术课程与学生对社区和世界的关注联系起来的教学法. 其结果为学生提供了终身的课程,并为我们所有人建立了更好的社区. From a faculty perspective, 服务学习是一种以研究为基础的方法,在这种方法中,指导或课堂学习通过解决实际社区需求的行动来应用,并允许学生反思经验.

Students who participate in service-learning courses will:

  • apply academic, personal and social skills to community needs.
  • 培养他们对自己、他人和公民责任的理解.
  • develop leadership abilities based on real-life problem-solving.
  • 通过教师设计的反思活动培养批判性思维能力.

Yes. 服务学习是不同的,因为学生的教育始终是中心因素. 学生们积极反思他们的课堂学习和社区活动. Academic questions are applied to real-life situations.

There is no one way to do service-learning. 服务学习中常见的“服务”分类包括直接服务, indirect service, advocacy, and research.

  • 直接服务包括学生在社区内的面对面互动. 这种服务包括直接与所选社区的个人或组织合作,以帮助解决问题. 从事直接服务的学生学习照顾不同年龄的人, life experiences and background.
  • Indirect service benefits a community without actual contact by the students. Examples can include collecting clothing and toys for children, books for a school or developing goals and action plans for local businesses. 通过间接服务,学生可以学到具体的技能,并通过实际应用得到强化.
  • 倡导是发展对公共问题或问题的认识,并促进缓解问题的行动. 与其他形式的服务学习的一个关键区别是,倡导从社会正义的角度理解服务. In advocacy service-learning students may write letters, attend and lead public meetings and speak for those who have no voice.
  • Research service-learning involves students designing research, gathering data and reporting findings regarding public issues. 学生可以进行调查和访谈来研究社会认为重要的问题. In addition, students may study water quality, traffic patterns and other issues that relate to public safety.

Each type of service-learning has benefits for both student and community. 任何形式的服务性学习都能激发学生的想象力和好奇心. Community issues often require all types for solutions. 重要的是,要利用各种类型的服务学习来培养公民参与的学生.